Photographing Children


- there are few things in this life that are as pure, innocent and profoundly joyful as children enjoying childhood. Their infectious laughter and natural curiosity, their love and kindness along with their ability to find joy in life’s smallest things.

When I was young I always knew I wanted to work with children. I had the most beautiful and happy childhood and I wanted to create that for others. As a teen finishing school I thought my calling was as a teacher, however after university I became a mum and my journey into motherhood was a rocky one. After multiple miscarriages we didn’t know if we could ever have any children. After an autoimmune diagnosis we finally had our first baby, but followed by several more miscarriages,, we didn’t know if we could have any more. My passion for preserving each moment with my baby, tugged deeply within my heart and I started my journey into childhood photography. Many years later, and 4 more highly complicated pregnancies now a mum-of-5, my calling is to teach them, daily as their mum but also as their homeschool teacher. Their happiness and preserving their abundantly beautiful childhood has become my souls mission.

As a mother of 5 I understand just how different each child can be, one from another. That’s why I prioritise meeting my clients to ensure that I know each child’s interests and personalities. Tailoring and designing a collection of images that are completely personal and unique to you. This gives me the opportunity to create an atmosphere where your children feel comfortable and we can preserve authentic, beautiful, childhood moments.


What is fine art photography and how does it differ from other forms of photography?


Beautiful Light